“The things that made you weird as a kid, make you great today.”

So what made you weird?

My new book, Hey Weirdo!,
now available for presale

  • "The beautiful thing about James' book is the feeling it leaves you with. That you, as you are, are just wonderful. The world needs all of us. We need variety. We need all the expressions of humanity to make a full, whole, interesting world. I am grateful for this book. I just wish it had existed when I was 13, six feet tall and looking for the other weirdos."

    Libby DeLana, Author of "Do Walk: Navigate Earth Mind and Body. Step By Step"

Item 1 of 2

Tell me your story.

  • We're all born weird.

    And we all have a story to tell.

    Write in—email or snail mail—with your story however you want to tell it. It can be in text, with art attached, whatever you want, and have a chance to be featured in James’ social media and an upcoming gallery exhibit on Weird.

    Click the link below to email us, or send snail mail to:

    200 University Blvd
    Suite 225 #292
    Round Rock TX

Hey Weirdo!